Pastor's Vision

The Scriptures declare that with God, "all things are possible unto them that believe." As your Pastor, I believe and trust God for the growth and welfare of Emmanuel Worship Center. God has anointed and appointed me to establish and lead the Emmanuel Worship Center Family.
 My God-given vision for the Emmanuel Worship Center is:
1.      To preach and teach the Gospel in such a manner as to reach the youngest child, to draw the greatest of sinners, and to challenge saints to trust and obey Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
 2.      To lead God's people, by example, into righteous living, tithe giving, and holy worshipping. God's Word alone is my guide.
 3.      To develop and implement ministries that will meet the needs of the disciples of Emmanuel Worship Center and the community.
 4.      To build a Worship Center where preaching and teaching will bring God's people into family fellowship and public worship through faithful living, sacrificial giving, and sincere worship.
 5.      To focus on the holistic needs of the family. (Spiritual, Physical, Financial, Emotional)
 For this cause, God has called me to raise up a holy standard for the entire world to see. For this cause, God is calling the Emmanuel Worship Center so that He can bless the community and the world through her. For this cause, God will continue to call upon Emmanuel Worship Center and its' ministries as it becomes a corner of its community. The harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers are still few.
 Obedience is still better than a sacrifice. Therefore, I am compelled to walk by faith and not by sight. I am leaning on Jesus Christ. My face is set towards Heaven and the vision is clear! I will not flinch in the face of hardships nor hesitate in the presence of the Adversary. I won't give up or let up until my God-given vision becomes a reality or is altered by God. I will continue to go until Jesus returns, give of myself until exhausted, and preach until God says "Well done!" Jesus Christ shall recognize the Emmanuel Worship Center Family for our banner shall read, "God With Us"